How do I contact you?
To contact us you can email us via alphacuregroup@bellsouth.net, call us at (561)-543-1318, or send in a contact form via the website.
For our UltraClot emergency medical devices, please contact us with your information and what you would like to order, we do not sell it through the website.
The statements contained in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
All statements and results presented on this website are for informational purposes only. If you have a health problem, allergies, are pregnant, nursing, or diagnosed with chronic conditions it is recommended that you consult your physician before use.
Do I need to worry about poison ivy, I've been around it all my life, I'm 70 years old, and I haven't caught it yet.
Over 80% of people are sensitive to the oil of the poison ivy plant urushiol (you-ru-she-all). Even if you've never caught poison ivy before, you may get it for the first time later in life. People often become sensitized through repeated exposures. Urushiol is not only transmitted through contact with the plant. It is also transmitted from residue on clothing (especially shoes and laces and pockets) or pet fur (although pets don't get the rash) which may last up to a year or longer. Ivy Off was tested, approved, and is in use by the US Military (NSN# 6508-01-500-2457).
I know what it looks like. What if I just stay away from it.
It is almost impossible to avoid coming in contact with it when camping, fishing, hiking or hunting. It comes in many forms (ivy, shrub, tree) and in many habitats (wet & dry). You can even get it from a stream or pond after leaves have fallen in. The oil floats on the surface of the water.
Will washing thoroughly with soap and water remove the oil.
Once the oil "locks" onto your tissue (after a few minutes) soap and water is ineffective. Only Ivy Off™ can "unlock" it.
Can I only get the rash where I came in contact with the oil? Can it spread after I shower with soap?
The oil spreads through the lymphatic system. The antigen then affixes itself in the skin and underlying tissue. The rash can pop up anywhere on your body not just at the initial point of contact.
If the rash is gone already do I still need to worry about a rash.
The toxic oil remains in your body and is circulated by your lymphatic system and can continue to cause rashes in new areas for weeks or months.
The rash came out already. Is it too late to get rid of it?
Once you start itching, it is best to use Ivy Off™ before the rash erupts. However, Ivy Off™ "unlocks" the oil of the poison ivy from your skin even after the rash has erupted. Results are immediate. Itching is significantly reduced or eliminated and the rash dries within 24 - 48 hours and is prevented from spreading.
My doctor told me that the best thing he can suggest is to use calamine lotion, antihistamine, or hydrocortisone.
At best, these treatments only provide temporary relief of the itch and rash symptoms. Ivy Off™ removes the oil that causes these symptoms allowing the skin to heal, quickly and naturally.
My doctor recommended steroids for my rash.
Steroids are known to have many long-lasting harmful side effects. In addition, they only suppress the symptoms (itching, rash, swelling). The irritant remains in your body and the rash often reappears worse than before, long after the steroid benefits have worn off.
I heard that using a poison ivy block or barrier cream before coming in contact with the plant will prevent me from getting the rash.
Poison ivy blocks and barrier creams may not work in the real world. There is no way to prevent the poison ivy oil from contaminating your clothing, shoes, backpack, bedding, gear, etc. (You must eventually undress.) It only works for a limited time before a reapplication is necessary. (Maximum 4 hours from the application under ideal laboratory conditions, sweating or swimming significantly reduces its effective time.)
I never go into wooded areas.
Poison ivy may be growing in your own backyard. There is a good chance when you garden, mow or weed-whack your yard, the oil of the shredded leaves or root system will come in contact with your skin. It may also be found in commercial mulch. These leaves and the poison ivy oil may remain in your yard for years.
I used Round-Up® (herbicide) to kill it.
Poison ivy is a very tenacious plant. It sends out runners underground which allows it to emerge in a new location.
It's January. There's snow on the ground. How did I get this rash?
Even in winter, you may contract poison ivy from touching wood you burn in the fireplace. The wood may be long dead but the urushiol on the vines remains active for up to several years. What's more, burning the wood may actually carry the allergen to your skin or you may even inhale it with the smoke and ash. It has been known to cause respiratory distress. If this happens, see a physician immediately.
Z-PEL'em™ FAQs
Is Z-PEL'em safe for children?
Yes. Z-PEL'em is made from all-natural essential oils and is 100% biodegradable.
I've been told that only products with DEET are effective.
Z-PEL'em was tested and proven to be more effective than mosquito repellents containing DEET.
I've used other natural oil mosquito repellents and they don't last very long.
Z-PEL'em has a patent-pending all-natural formula that is more effective and remains so for up to 10 hours. It was tested, approved, and is in use by the US Military (NSN# 6505-01-512-8504).
Is DEET safe to use?
Research has shown that DEET is toxic to the central nervous system and remains in your body. Some countries have even limited or banned its use completely.
Is Zerym safe to use on children?
Yes its active ingredient is a modified free amino acid made from corn and is 100% biodegradable.
How does Zerym work? Will it also work on bee and jellyfish stings?
Zerym is effective on ALL insect bites and stings and works within minutes. The proteins in the insect toxin attach to the protein in your skin allowing it to spread to the surrounding tissue. Zerym neutralizes the toxin by isolating and breaking down this protein chain. The body heals naturally.
Has Zerym been tested?
Zerym has been tested, approved, and is in use by the US Military (NSN# 6508-01-587-9818)
UltraClot™ OTC Cream FAQ's
Q: I'm taking Coumadin and when I get a scratch I can't stop bleeding. Will it work for me.
A: Yes. UltraClot™ OTC Cream is effective on people using all types of blood thinners, including Coumadin. It was independently tested and is approved by the FDA (FDA K082601). This is the same formula used by the US Military to stop bleeding in major arterial wounds on the battlefield within minutes.
Q: Do I still need to use Bacitracin.
A: No. Do not use Bacitracin or any other topical treatment before applying UltraClot. The ointment in Bacitracin will prevent UltraClot from being effective in stopping your bleeding. UltraClot OTC Cream active ingredient has been shown to be more effective than antibiotics in inhibiting the growth of all microbes.
Q: My father is bedridden and prone to bedsores. They aren't able to do anything about it. Will this work for him.
A: Yes. Simply apply it liberally on the bedsore and cover with a gauze using sensitive skin tape. It will dry the bedsore and prevent infection at the same time.
Q: How many uses will I get from a 1 oz. tube of UltraClot OTC Cream.
A: You should get about 24 uses from one tube depending on the size and severity of the wounds.
How quickly will I see results using Zostrex™ Cream?
You should see significant improvement within the first 48 hours or less. This includes blisters drying, shrinking, and disappearing, reduction of itching and pain, elimination of new outbreaks.
Can I use it in my eyes?
NO. Avoid contact with eyes. If in eyes, flush thoroughly with water
How often should I apply the Zostrex™ Cream?
The more often you apply it the faster you will see results. It is recommended that you apply it liberally for at least the first few days on the affected area 4 times a day.
Do I have to wash the area before I reapply the Zostrex™ Cream?
No, reapplying a new layer over the old one will reactivate the previous one. However, if it dries and becomes too thick you may gently wash it off with warm water and dry the area before applying it again.
Can I apply it over other topical medicines, such as hydrocortisone, antibiotics or steroids?
NO. Topical gels or ointments will prevent absorption of Zostrex™ Cream through the skin.
After a few hours, I noticed a white film where I applied the Zostrex™ Cream. Is that normal?
Yes. This is simply unabsorbed Zostrex™ Cream crystals drying on your skin. It is completely safe and may be rinsed off with water or reapply over it.
Do I have to continue using Zostrex™ Cream until the rash is completely gone?
It is recommended that you continue applying it until the rash is completely dry, which should be a few more days. Although, once the rash stops spreading and begins drying, within the first 48 hours or less, the body has created its own immunity, naturally.
Is Zostrex™ Cream natural?
Yes. The active ingredient in Zostrex™ Cream is l-glutamate, a modified free amino acid (derived from corn).
I'm sensitive to MSG. When I eat in some Chinese restaurants that use MSG, my mouth gets numb for about 15 minutes and I get tired. Will I have any problems with Zostrex™ Cream since it contains l-glutamate?
No. Zostrex™ Cream contains a modified topical form of l-glutamate, tested and used by hundreds of people sensitive to eating MSG with no adverse reactions. MSG is recognized as safe by the FDA for use in food products. In addition, the amount of l-glutamate in Zostrex™ Cream absorbed through the skin is very small compared to that used in food products.
I'm taking prescription medications, do I need to worry about using them?
No. There have been no reported incidents of contraindications with any medications. However, if you are still concerned check with your physician.
If I have Shingles on my lips can I use Zostrex?
Yes. Zostrex may be used on lips. The active ingredient is even deemed safe to ingest by the FDA..
Is your active ingredient like MSG? I’m sensitive to MSG. When I eat in a Chinese restaurant that uses MSG, my mouth gets numb and I get very tired. Will I have any problems with your product since it contains l-glutamate?
CureZit™ contains a modified form of l-glutamate and has been tested and used by hundreds of people sensitive to eating MSG with no adverse reactions. In addition, MSG is recognized as safe by the FDA and the amount of this modified form of l-glutamate that is absorbed into your skin using CureZit™ is a very small percentage compared to that used in food.
I noticed that the directions say to wash with soap before using. Is there a special soap I should use?
No. All soaps are designed to remove surface oils which is what you want to do. A mild neutral pH soap is best (such as Neutragena) as it does not affect the pH of your skin. Do not rub the area hard or abrade the skin as this may cause bleeding and scarring.
How quickly will I see results with CureZit™?
You should see noticeable improvement within the first day or so. Continue applying CureZit™ as directed and by the next day, the zit should basically be starting to dry. Use CureZit™ even after scab forms to promote healing and prevent future breakouts. Certain persistent and deep tissue forms of acne may require up to a week to see dramatic results.
Is CureZit™ natural?
Yes. The primary active ingredient in CureZit™ is l-glutamate, an amino acid derived from corn.
Do medications cause acne breakouts?
There are a number of medications that can cause or exacerbate acne. Some of the drugs know to do this are:
Hormones (including anabolic steroids)
You should check with your physician if you're concerned about a specific medication.
Do I have to use your product for 6-8 weeks, like other products, before I see results?
No. CureZit™ begins to work immediately. You will see noticeable improvement the very first day you use it. The pimple should be drying by the next day and any scab will quickly fall off. Certain persistent and deep tissue forms of acne may require up to a week to see results.
Sometimes I notice a white film after several hours where I applied the CureZit™. Is that normal?
Yes. This is simply the unabsorbed l-glutamate crystals drying on your skin. Simply rinse off with water and reapply as necessary.
I'm taking Coumadin and when I get a scratch I can't stop bleeding. Will it work for me?
Yes. UltraClot™ OTC Cream is effective on people using all types of blood thinners, including Coumadin. It was independently tested and is approved by the FDA (FDA K082601). This is the same formula used by the US Military to stop bleeding in major arterial wounds on the battlefield within minutes.
Do I still need to use Bacitracin?
No. Do not use Bacitracin or any other topical treatment before applying UltraClot. The ointment in Bacitracin will prevent UltraClot from being effective in stopping your bleeding. UltraClot OTC Cream active ingredient has been shown to be more effective than antibiotics in inhibiting the growth of all microbes.
My father is bedridden and prone to bedsores. They aren't able to do anything about it. Will this work for him.
Yes. Simply apply it liberally on the bedsore and cover it with a gauze using sensitive skin tape. It will dry bedsores and prevent infection at the same time.
How many uses will I get from a 1 oz. tube of UltraClot OTC Cream?
You should get about 24 uses from one tube depending on the size and severity of the wounds.
Please contact us directly with any questions or comments.
P.O. Box 367 Loxahatchee, Florida 33470
Toll free 888-872-9774 Fax 561-795-9971
email: alphacuregroup@bellsouth.net
All Rights Reserved | Alpha Cure Group Inc.